
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Celebrating Earth Day

Our neighbor got a fir sapling from work on Earth Day and he passed it on to us since we have lots of empty space in our yard that needs to be filled. 
We decided to put it in the front yard. 

Hopefully it will grow!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter, everyone! 

We visited Nonni (my mom) last week and took Jake to see his first Easter bunny and this was the result.
I guess it's better than a pic of him crying in terror?

This particular bunny was a bit dingy looking and I was so nervous about putting my baby on his lap that I forgot to take Jake's bib off. Oh well. I'm sure we'll be laughing about this picture for years to come. 

Hope you all have a great Easter! 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

5 months!

Jake is 5 months old! We don't know his weight this month, but we're guessing he's around 14.5 lbs. 
He is wearing 6 mo size clothing, but some pieces are still a bit too big. 

He still likes his paci, but its become more of a toy during the daytime. He's been putting it in his mouth upside down lately and playing with it like a teether toy. 

He uses it to soothe himself when he's in his carseat and he sucks on it for a few minutes before falling asleep at night. 

He also sucks his thumb every now & then, but not often. 

crumpling up his 5 month sticker 

He loves to chew on Sophie


His eyes are still steely blue and it's hard to tell what color they will end up being. We think they might turn hazel or even brown. 

He' starting to enjoy tummy time and is working on rolling over from back to stomach. He's been able to roll from stomach to back for a while now.
He's also recently figured out how to chew on his feet while he's lying down.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Sunday Dinner

This past Sunday, we went to Grandpa Art & Grandma Cindy's house for Sunday family dinner. We had homemade pasta, meatballs, & eggplant parmesan.

Jake got to meet his cousin Max who is 8 months old.

Auntie Adria introducing Jake to Max. 

We had a great time hanging out with family! 

Jake hanging out with Grandpa. 
with Uncle John & Aunt Adria

Friday, April 4, 2014

getting ready for bed

Part of Jake's bedtime routine is getting all lotioned up before we put on pajamas. Poor baby has had some pretty bad bouts of dry skin during our endless winter. 

While I do this he likes to stare at his monster picture and smile at it. 

Then he kicks around for a while before we put on jammies. 

Then we put on his sleep sack & it's time to read some books. 
The Very Hungry Caterpillar seems to be his favorite right now. 


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Everything in the mouth. EVERYTHING.

We have officially reached the stage where Jake puts everything he can get his hands on into his mouth and it is nearly impossible to get a picture of him doing anything else. 

He was dressed in this cute outfit and I tried so hard to get a good pic of him. 

And this is the best one I got. 

He's waaaay too busy chewing & drooling to take pictures right now. 

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Family Fun Weekend

This past weekend, Jacob got to meet his uncle Matt for the first time and Grandparents P were in town, too. 

Hi Uncle Matt!

Grandma & Jake. And Maxie. 

Grandpa & Jake. And Buddy!

We had a nice, relaxing weekend & did a lot of eating. 
We went to one of our favorite local restaurants, Jimmy's Place, on Friday. 
Saturday we had nepalese/indian food for lunch at Cumin in Wicker Park. Jake got to try a bit of mango lassi which is a sweet mango drink. I put some on his paci and he loved it! 
On Sunday we went to brunch at Maya Del Sol for Grandma's birthday. The food was fantastic! 
We also ordered deep dish somewhere in between all that eating out...

Sunday afternoon, Grandma & Grandpa P took Jake for a long walk from our house to Scoville Park while Chris & I ran some errands. 
Jake was so exhausted from the weekend that he slept an 8.5 hour stretch for the first time Sunday night! I don't think this will be a regular event for him, but it's nice to know that he is capable of it.