
Sunday, July 20, 2014

learning to grasp

We started setting out puffs or little pieces of fruit on Jake's highchair tray so he can learn to grasp. 
He does a pretty good job of picking them up but he has a hard time getting them into his mouth. 

But every now and then he gets one in there!  

Friday, July 18, 2014

our yard & garden

4 months ago our yard had more dirt than grass. 
It looked similar to the way it did in this photo from last summer. Except with even more dirt patches from where Chris dug up weeds & raked the dead grass. 

from 2013

 We put down grass seed in March and watered religiously and it started to grow! 

Now our yard looks like this. 

Much better!

We planted a garden along the South side fence. 

We're growing green bell peppers, jalapeno, 2 varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, and several herbs. 
I didn't realize how much the cucumber would spread... so we might have a ton of them!




the sage is huge!

sweet 100 tomatoes

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

8 months!

Happy 8 months, Jake!

Jake has been very busy rolling around & scooting on his tummy. He can make his way across his bedroom to get to a toy or to the rocker or basically whatever he is interested in. 

When he's not babbling or yelling, he is making a sucking noise with his mouth & lips which he finds hilarious. 

He is still a very happy baby but he's figuring out how to throw a mini tantrum when he doesn't get something that he wants (usually this has to do with food). 
I've heard that he also gets jealous at daycare when it's the other baby's turn to eat or get a bottle. 

We installed his convertible carseat- which he can use through toddlerhood- and he seems to like it much better than his infant bucket seat. It looks pretty comfy to me & it even has cupholders!

Jake still loves his bouncer, sitting on the couch and playing with his box of toys, eating & going for walks. He also really likes his quiet time in his crib just playing with a blankie & relaxing. 

He has become a very good daytime napper at home and is starting to get used to napping at daycare. 
At night, he usually only wakes once to nurse somewhere between 2-4am. He usually wakes for the day around 7am. 

He does not like when we put sunscreen on him or when we wipe him down after he makes a mess eating. He also hates getting his nails trimmed.  

Recently he has also started to protest during diaper changes. It's like changing the diaper on the tasmanian devil. Not fun. He rolls & thrashes & it's near impossible to get the diaper fastened. 
So he has started to get a firm "no" from me when he does this and I try to change that thing as fast as I can. 

going for the camera

Our next doctors appointment is at 9 months- can't wait to see how much he's grown!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

First trip to the zoo

We live less than 10 minutes away from the Brookfield Zoo so we decided to take Jake there to check it out the other day. 

He had a fun time people watching & was really interested in the geese & peacocks that roam free there. He is still too small to notice the animals, but it'll be a nice place to take him when he gets older. 

it was hot & humid so the animals were pretty lazy

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

7 months!

Jake was 7 months old about 2 weeks ago.

He is sitting up and rolling all over the place. He just started to try to scoot when he's on his tummy and he really wants to move around more. Time to babyproof!

He got his 2 bottom teeth at the same time a few weeks ago! He did pretty well while the teeth were cutting through- he napped a lot and was pretty clingy for 2 or 3 days and then he was back to normal.

He started a new daycare a couple of weeks ago and he really seems to like it. He made a new friend- a 6 month old named Lucy.

eating  mashed avocado

trying peas for the first time

ready for oatmeal

Just like his parents, Jake LOVES to eat. His daycare provider even commented about how much he loves his bottles & food!

So far Jake has had avocado, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, peas, oatmeal, mango, pears, watermelon, and blueberries. He also eats "puffs" from time to time.
He isn't crazy about carrots or peas, but he likes everything else. He loves mango & pears.

His eyes are hazel right now and we're thinking they're going to stay that way. 

He's also been enjoying his pool lately! So far he's having a great summer!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Playing with Pears

Jakey tried some pureed pear about a week ago. He loved it!
And the second time he had them he decided to play a game and spit them everywhere. 
I couldn't help but he kept doing it. 

Here is the mess he made of himself! 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Memorial Day weekend

We had a pretty busy Memorial Day weekend, but I did manage to relax and even got a decent amount of sleep... Which is good because Jake is cutting his first tooth and I'm expecting a rough night or three from him. 

Here are some iPhone snaps from the weekend. 

Getting ready to go to the mall to walk around for a little while. 

Playing in the grass for the first time! 

Trying some organic sweet potato purée.