
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Despite barely sleeping the night before, Jake had a great first Christmas! He got lots of presents and we are really looking forward to playing Santa in the years to come as he gets older. 

I wanted some family photos so we set up the camera and tried to take a few pictures by our tree. 

We expect to look a bit more rested in next year's Christmas photos...

And maybe Jake will enjoy them a bit more too...

And here is one from the blooper reel... Jake was a little gassy and let one rip just as this picture was taken. 

Sunday, December 15, 2013

1 month!

Jake was one month old on Sunday!
He had his check-up at the Dr today and here are his stats:

weight: 9 lb 10 oz

length: 21.5 inches

50th percentile for height and weight. 

And in true Cigoy fashion, his head circumference is in the 75th percentile :)

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Splish Splash!

Jacob seems to really enjoy bath time. It's only a matter of time before he realizes that he can kick around in the water and splash himself... and us! 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Happy Tuesday!

Jake got dressed up in a new outfit today. He had been wearing newborn sized sleepers every day, but he's quickly growing out of them. So today we put on a onesie, a pair of pants, and a tiny pair of Nike socks. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

A visit from Grandma & Grandpa P

Last weekend, Grandma & Grandpa P came to meet Jacob for the first time!

so much love... what a lucky little boy 

We took advantage of the mild weather and took Jacob on a few outings. 

On Saturday, went to the Christkindl market in Daley Plaza & to see the Christmas tree at Macy's. I was so excited to bring Jake to the Christkindl market since it's a tradition of ours to go every year around my birthday. It was soooo crowded but we managed to have a mug of gluehwein and a hot pretzel and that was good enough for me. 
Jake slept through the excitement- snug as a bug in his carrier. 

We also went to brunch to celebrate my birthday and Santa happened to be there. 

Which was perfect because Auntie Adria was really hoping to take Jake to meet Santa for the first time. 

Proud Grandmas...

and Grandpas! 

What a wonderful weekend! 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Jacob's first Thanksgiving

Jacob went to his aunt & uncle's house for his first Thanksgiving! Lucky for me, he slept throughout dinner so that I could eat. 

He woke up in time to take some photos and show off his turkey bib. 

staring at Daddy

Uncle John & Auntie Ange

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

1 week!

We survived our first week! 

So far, Jacob is very calm and only fusses when he's hungry or wet. Chris and I are managing to get a good amount of sleep and I'm getting used to taking an afternoon nap. I always hated napping- probably because I can be such a busy body- but I've learned that I definitely need to get at least one nap during the day to keep from getting crabby at night. 

The dogs are adjusting pretty well, too. Maxie loves Jake. She is always by our side while we're with him and has been very calm. It seems like her new "job" is to look after the baby. 
Buddy is tolerating Jake. He definitely got knocked down a peg when we brought Jake home so we've been making sure that he gets some special attention and he is slowly getting back to his rambunctious self. 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Jacob's room

Jacob's room is all set-up and decorated. We love the way our little monster's room turned out!

monster prints from Etsy

Chris is still finalizing the plans for the built in shelving and the closet & bedroom doors need to be hung, but Jacob isn't sleeping in his room yet anyways so we've got time to get it done. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

Welcome baby Jacob!

Jacob Matthew was born one day early on Friday, November 15th at 1:34pm. He weighed in at 7lb 3oz and is 19.5 inches long. 

ready to go home!

I was feeling really crappy at work on Thursday and let my boss know that I would need to take Friday off. I figured I was going to rest and set up some more baby items that were still in boxes & bags since Chris had gotten the baby's room 90% finished. 

I wasn't able to sleep Thursday night and hung out on the couch with Chris for a while. Baby Jake was very active in my belly and was kicking and punching me. I finally decided that I needed to try to go to bed and I started to feel weird pressure in my lower abdomen. And then my water broke. It was scary and exciting at the same time. Contractions started about 45 minutes later and I called my OB. She said to take my time to shower, eat something, and then head into the hospital. Chris managed to get me to sit on the couch and watch 2 episodes of Friends before I just couldn't take it any more and told him we had to leave. I wasn't in pain; I was mostly just nervous and thought I would feel more relaxed being at the hospital. 

We got to the hospital around 4am and were admitted pretty quickly. I labored for a while before I got an epidural and then I was able to nap. Later on, after 2 hours of pushing, baby Jake was born. It was the most amazing experience ever. 

Our hospital stay was great and Jake passed all of the tests that are performed in the days after birth. We were finally ready to go home on Sunday and of course Chicagoland was experiencing some crazy weather (tornadoes Southwest of the city and heavy rain & winds in Chicago and Oak Park). We watched the weather on the news and checked our iPhone weather apps and decided around 1pm to make a break for it. We were lucky to leave the hospital in between storms and we got home safe & sound. 

It has been an exciting week so far. I was absolutely exhausted for 2 days after getting home and now every day is better and better. Chris and I are absolutely in love with this little man and couldn't be happier! 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

39 weeks!

39 weeks- baby is the size of a watermelon 

One more week to go until my due date!

We found out that I need to work pretty much until I go into labor (because my job doesn't have maternity leave and I have to go on short term disability) so my big plans of cooking and cleaning (and relaxing) this coming week were squashed. 
So, I spent my Saturday cooking lasagna & chili to freeze for later and getting some other random things done around the house. 

Overall, I'm feeling pretty good. I'm definitely moving slower and I wish I could wear my pajamas & slippers to work and everywhere else I go but I think that's to be expected right about now. 

Saturday, November 9, 2013

baby's room - paint & trim

 This past week the baby's room was painted, the ceiling fan installed, and the trim was cut and is starting to get installed today. The closet shelves & rods should also be installed this weekend. 

We are trying to get as much done as possible today and tomorrow morning so we can move the furniture into the room and get the crib set up. The baby's furniture is currently taking up half of our living room, so once that is all moved I think Chris & I will both feel a lot better. 

Don't worry, though. We have a bassinet, clean clothes & blankets, diapers, etc. so if baby decides to come home early we are prepared. 

painted walls! 

starting to put the trim up

Still on the to-do list:
-finish trim
-finish built-in shelving
-install new heater 
-install ceiling fan
-finish floors
-move-in furniture & decorate!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

38 weeks!

I hit the 38 week mark on Saturday. According to my doctor, 38 weeks is when all bets are off. Baby could come at any time but being induced is not something they consider until 7 days past due. So...we could become parents anytime in the next 3 weeks. Hoping for sooner rather than later! 

As usual, we had a busy weekend so I only had time/energy for some iPhone pics this week.

38 weeks- baby is as long as a leek & about the size of a pumpkin

We had part 1 of our childbirth class last night. It was good for both of us learn together what to expect during labor. I've done plenty of reading and have tried to give Chris info here & there, but it was helpful to have someone else teach it to us. Next week they'll cover some basic newborn care & we'll get a tour of the hospital. 

In my down time, I'm trying to relax as much as possible. Buddy is determined to lay with me on the couch- even though there's no room in my lap anymore. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

37 weeks!

week 37- baby is the size of a bunch of swiss chard

I reached 37 weeks this past weekend! It seems like the past 9 months have gone pretty quickly- likely due to the fact that we've been so BUSY! But now, time is dragging. My hands and feet are constantly swollen, so typing & writing at work is a challenge and walking is not much easier...

Chris installed the carseat this weekend and I did all of the baby's laundry & packed what I could in my hospital bag. So, we're ready if Baby P decides to come early.  

I have 2 countdowns going on in my head. The first is my due date and the second is my last day of work. Initially I was planning to work up until my due date and now I'm planning to give myself a week off before my due date. There are still some things I'd like to get done before Baby P arrives, so I plan to use that off week to make some freezer meals, organize the baby's room & closet, and unpack some of my own clothes that have been stored since we moved. I'd also like to just lay on the couch and relax. 
So, that's the plan for now... 

baby's room- the hard part is over

All of the taping & sanding in the baby's room was completed last week. The walls are primed and the ceiling was primed & painted white. 

The floor has been refinished and the new window installed. So, according to Chris, all of the hard stuff is over. 

(this was taken before the new window was installed)

There are still quite a few items left on the to-do list, but nothing as time consuming as the drywall so I think we're in good shape. 

Still on the to-do list:
-finish built-in shelving
-install new heater 
-install ceiling fan
-finish floors
-move-in furniture & decorate!

Monday, October 21, 2013

36 weeks!

Week 36- baby is the size of a honeydew.

My apologies for the crappy bathroom selfie. We had a hectic weekend and I just realized that we didn't take a photo but I didn't want to miss this week. 

I've organized all of the baby items and started to put together my hospital bag. I also assembled the Ikea dresser on Saturday which was not the easiest thing to do on the floor at 9 months pregnant. In fact, there is not much that is easy to do at 9 months pregnant. I'm definitely starting to get a bit more uncomfortable so I'm hoping these next few weeks go by quickly! 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

35 weeks!

35 weeks- baby is the size of a coconut

We're getting closer! Only 5 weeks until my due date. 
We went to Ikea this weekend and got the dresser that I wanted for the baby's room and picked up some frames for the monster prints that I ordered from Etsy. For some reason, getting the dresser was a big deal for me. Even though it's going to sit in its box waiting for assembly for a good week, I just feel better now that we have it. And I'm sure Chris feels better because now I can stop talking about how we need to go to Ikea ;)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Week 34 & baby shower at home

My second baby shower was this past weekend- hosted by my sister at my house. 
She did a great job planning & decorating! 

Week 34!- baby is the size of a butternut squash

Pumpkin spice bundt from Nothing Bundt Cakes. It was soooo good.