
Monday, March 17, 2014

A new throne

We brought out Jake's high chair so he can be with us for dinner at the dining table. 

He was pretty content in there and Chris & I were able to enjoy our dinner of corned beef & cabbage for St. Patrick's Day. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

4 months!

It's hard to believe that Jake is 4 months old already!

weight: 13 lb 4 oz
24.5 inches long

As our pediatrician said, he's not the biggest guy on the block but he's healthy & growing and there is no cause for concern. He's just a little peanut. 

Jake is still VERY interested in his hands and he's often chewing or sucking on his fingers. He's also reached the stage where everything he picks up goes directly into his mouth. 

His new trick is to take his hat off when he's in his carseat and chew on it. He moves his head back & forth until the hat falls off and then he grabs it & chews on it. 
Lately he's also been taking his paci out of his mouth and trying to put it back in himself. 

He is babbling a lot more and is usually very talkative in the morning. Of course, he stops every time we take out the camcorder to try to record him. He also stops smiling as soon as he sees the camera so getting a smiley pic of him is really difficult!
He's got the cutest little laugh and enjoys being tickled & kissed. 

He's starting to get more comfortable in his bumbo seat. 
He has good head & neck control now, but we are still struggling with tummy time. He just hates it. 
We keep trying so he can strengthen his upper body, but he always cries or just rolls himself from stomach to back.   

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A little fresh air

It was 50 degrees yesterday! As soon as I got home from work I took advantage of the weather and extra daylight time to take Jake out for a walk. 
We had to navigate several puddles & slushy snow banks, but it was worth it for some fresh air. Jake seemed pretty content. 

I'm glad we enjoyed the weather while we could. Temps are currently dropping and there is another winter storm warning tonight. Hopefully this'll be the last one! Jake is ready to feel some warm sunshine for the first time!