
Sunday, September 29, 2013

Week 33!

Week 33! Baby is the size of a durian fruit. 

So, the baby is the size of a durian fruit...
I'm not quite sure what that is, but I think it's that weird smelling fruit that Andrew Zimmern ate on the Travel Channel show Bizarre Foods. That episode was gross...

According to, the baby is averaging 17-18 inches long and about 4-5 lbs. He can keep his eyes open while awake and is starting to coordinate his breathing with sucking & swallowing.

According to me, he's getting bigger and loves to kickbox just about every night around 9:30pm. I can imagine that those kicks are going to get a bit more uncomfortable for me in the coming weeks.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Week 32 & baby shower in Buffalo

We went to Buffalo this past week for my first baby shower. It was a great time and nice to get away from the work on the house for a few days. 

homemade desserts :) 

lots of gifts!

We also got to spend a couple of days at the cabin in Ellicottville and we had to check out "Pumpkinville" while we were there. 

32 weeks! Baby is the size of a squash. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

baby's room- electrical, framing & some new drywall

So the pantry, baby's closet, and closet to the "3rd bedroom/scary room" were all knocked out so we could make the space more functional. Chris also had to re-route some wiring so we could have a light switch for the baby's room & the pantry since neither had one. 


baby's closet


you can kind of see the closet of 3rd bedroom on the left.
This bedroom is behind the baby's room.


This was where the pantry and closet to the 3rd bedroom were. (Pantry on the left)

This was where the baby's closet was. 

Here is the framing for our new pantry. 

And next to the pantry will be a built in shelf in the baby's room. 

Framing for the baby's closet. 

A new wall & ceiling! And light switch :) 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Week 31!

week 31- baby is the size of a pineapple

I can't believe that my due date is just 2 months away! I'm working through my to-do list and this week I chose a pediatrician and signed up for birthing & breastfeeding classes.

I'm finding it hard to resist buying things for Baby P when I'm out shopping, but I'm trying to wait since I have 2 baby showers coming up- which I'm very excited for!

My latest cravings have been white cheddar popcorn, chocolate chip cookies, and Dunkin' Donuts pumpkin coffee (decaf of course). For the past few weeks I was on a salad kick and now I don't even want to look at lettuce...

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Week 30!

week 30- baby is the size of a cucumber

Sunday, September 1, 2013

baby's room- out with the old

The baby's room had wood paneling that had been painted & an ugly drop ceiling. 

Everything is getting ripped down & out. 

This was the lathe under the paneling. 

And here is the room with everything torn out.